Welcome! This is my personal website!

Hi there! My name is Justin Chin and my intended majors are Computer Science and Mathematics. This is just a website to let people know a bit about me.

Some things about myself are:

Here are some of my favorite characters!

This is Riven, from League of Legends. She is known for her combos and mechanics. In my opinion, she is one of the best designed champions avaiable.

Here is Meta Knight, a character I used a lot when playing Super Smash Brothers. He is super fun to play with because of his sick actions and he is cool with that mask and sword.

Pikachu, the Pokemon Mascot! This little mouse is one of the coolest pokemon ever made and has been the label of pokemon from the very beginning. Electric type is best type.

Spyro, the childhood hero. The little purple dragon has went on adventures to save little dragon eggs, collect gems and fight bad guys. Played on the PS1, but such a nostalgic game.

Here are the links to the videos I've created:

I am really proud of these videos because it allowed me to practice with my communication skills. I am not the best speaker, especially in a public crowd, so it was a great experience to be able to have an assignment involving film. Special thanks to my dorm mates for help me with my videos, spending countless hours a lecture hall or classroom filming and having fun.

I do not own the pictures in any way!